The Carleton Academic Student Government (CASG) has announced it will be performing a major overhaul of its constitution, bylaws and electoral code, which mandate the organization’s leadership structure and responsibilities.

According to CASG’s constitution, the last time it underwent any major change was in 2016.

CASG is the main liaison between the student body and the Carleton Senate—the highest academic body at the university. When decisions on academic matters—such as late assignment policies and exam accommodations—are made by the university, CASG representatives speak on behalf of the student body.

This month, for example, CASG worked with the university to mandate that Carleton instructors must publish their course outlines a week before classes start. Previously, course outlines were not typically made available to students until classes began or shortly before.

A rewrite of CASG’s entire policy will affect the way the group represents student issues through academic policy. Students must pay attention to these changes and to the work CASG does throughout the year.

Academic policy affects the day-to-day life of all students—it’s crucial for students to understand the system and the leadership who will speak out about these issues on their behalf.