London police arrest bottle-throwing rioters March 17.

A St. Patrick’s Day celebration took a turn for the worse March 17 at Fanshawe College in London, Ont. where 15 people have been arrested for their involvement in a riot.

Charges include unlawful assembly, assaulting police officers and resisting arrest, said London police chief Brad Duncan during a press conference March 18.

“There were a number of individuals burned [March 17],” Duncan said. “The severity of this mob mentality could easily have resulted in death.”

The fire department responded to a call about a bush fire at 10 p.m., but by 11:25 p.m., the fire department called in police back up to help them deal with the situation, Duncan said.

Fifty police officers then arrived on the scene, but were quickly pushed out by rioters who started throwing bricks, beer bottles, and car rims.

“Every one of our members in attendance on Fleming Drive was assaulted,” Duncan said. “They were literally attacked with full bottles of beer and liquor, bricks, wood planks, two-by-fours, debris, tires, rims and other various items. In addition, members of the crowd used laser pointers aimed at our officers’ eyes to try to disrupt our response.”

Administrators at Fanshawe College say they have suspended eight students who allegedly participated in the riots.

Police are urging people involved in the riot to “do the right thing,” as Duncan put it, and step forward.