Home CUSA Elections 2013 – 2020 Justin Bergamini, public affairs

Justin Bergamini, public affairs


My name is Justin Bergamini, and I am currently in my third year of communications studies with a minor in economics.

Throughout my time at Carleton I have had the opportunity of getting involved on campus in a variety of ways, including participating in frosh week as a facilitator, being in the FPA Ambassador program, and serving as a member of the executive team of the Communication Undergraduate Student Society. Getting involved with the communications society has been one of the best decisions of my university career. Not only have I been able to help fellow communications students with our events and programming, but I have made a bunch of great friends along the way.

I truly believe mental health to be one of the most important issues facing students in Canada, and that’s why as faculty of public affairs councillor I will work with the administration and CUSA executives so there is an increase in mental health services across campus.

I would also like faster and more reliable wireless services on campus. It’s 2016! There is no reason students shouldn’t have the fastest Internet at their disposal.

We all know what it’s like to barely be able to keep our eyes open during class, and that is why I want to bring a nap room to Carleton. This would allow students to book a time slot, drop their bag off, and take a power nap between classes.

If there is anything else you would like to know about me or my policy points, don’t be afraid to stop me in the halls. I’d love to hear from you.