Graphic by Helen Mak.

South Keys

South Keys is the easiest place to go to get food or see a movie, assuming you live on campus.
Grab the O-Train going in the Greenboro direction (that’s the one on the side closest to the University Centre and residence) and get off at the last stop (which is Greenboro).
Tip: Google Maps is your friend. Checking for and then writing down instructions before you go places (and writing instructions on how to get back) is never a bad idea.

The Rideau Centre:
The 7 St. Laurent or the 4 Rideau will get you there. The 7 will take forever, but I recommend it if you want a nice place to read a book or listen to music for a while, or if you’re the sort of person who writes essays while on the bus. Getting off right at the Rideau Centre puts you in the perfect place to visit the mall, explore the nearby Byward Market, or take a short stroll down to Parliament.
Tip: buses stop running generally between midnight and 1 a.m., so plan accordingly when you’re going out late.

Bank Street:
If you’re looking to visit the Mayfair, or just to explore Bank street, take the 7 St. Laurent to Bank and Sunnyside. On the way there you can also stop at Haven Books, and if you stay on longer you’ll end up in the Glebe area where there are tons of shops and restaurants.
Tip: Text 560560 to be able to check when busses are coming with your phone. Do it. Please do it. It is a life saver.

Billings Bridge Shopping Centre:
If you want a smaller, less crowdedmall than the Rideau Centre, take the 111 Baseline or the 4 Hurdman and get off at Billings Bridge. As well as being a mall, it’s also a bus station and a crucial starting point to get to dozens of other places including the 98 to the Ottawa airport.