Photo by Nicholas Galipeau.

Usually it’s something warm. Maybe it reminds you of a moment in your childhood. Comfort food comes in many shapes and flavours. Being away from home, I’ve been searching out food to bring me some comfort. One month into exchange and it’s starting to hit me this isn’t just a holiday. I live here and will be here for a couple of months.

When I first went grocery shopping, I tried to search for the familiar—which can be hard in another language and another country. Orange juice was now sinaasappelsap and what I thought was salmon turned out to be some mystery white fish. Not to mention the various Dutch-specific items such as chocolate sprinkles to put on toast and whole raw herrings to eat as is.

Thankfully, most things are pretty easy to identify—for example, an orange still looks like an orange over here and yogurt still comes in similar containers.

Which brings me to my first comfort food: yogurt. I know some might think this is a weird one, but I adore it. Two years ago when I was living with my best friend, we initially shared yogurt, but it got to the point when it became clear I needed my own stash. Yogurt is a wonderful snack food and for me finding some good plain yogurt in the Netherlands was a goal worth achieving. It took a couple of weeks but I managed to strike a gold mine. The grocery store near me sells these giant tubs of Greek yogurt that are not only delicious but for under two euros—a bargain.

This yogurt became my reward after a long day or my post-gym snack. To be really decadent, I could even add some honey, which I have started eating on a regular basis. It reminds me of days when my mom would bake muffins and we’d heat them up and spread some honey on them. I’ve taken to spreading it on toast or even crackers, thinking of those muffin days.

I have even found a new comfort food. I was staying in Belgium when my host offered me Speculoos spread. Speculoos are basically another version of gingerbread and it’s exactly what it sounds like: cookies in spreadable form. You have the option of crunchy or smooth. Personally, I love the crunchy, and the little bits of cookie made this treat extra awesome.

I have found that sometimes simple things make you feel better and for me, food can definitely help. My exchange has been filled with so many experiences, but I would be lying if I said it was all sunshine and roses. I still really miss my family and friends. I also had a death in the family two weeks after I left, so things have been difficult at times. It may not be much, but on the days when I’m feeling low, some comfort food and a Skype call home can make all the difference.