Uncovering gaming gems: top 5 indie titles you need to play now

Terraria has offered gamers a unique 2D experience with many different bosses and weapons since its release in 2011. [Screenshot from openverse by Tamahikari Tammas]

While major studio-produced video games with high budgets, extensive marketing and advanced production values dominate the gaming landscape, there’s a hidden world of indie games waiting to be explored. These lesser-known gems offer unique experiences, captivating narratives and artistry transcending common gameplay. 

Over the past eight years, I’ve immersed myself in the world of video games, accumulating a wealth of experience along the way. From exploring diverse genres to delving into the intricacies of game design, my journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of what makes a game truly stand out. 

For university students seeking a refreshing escape from the academic grind, here are five indie game recommendations that promise a break from the mainstream. 


Terraria has been described as a 2D Minecraft. However, the game has many differences, including multiple bosses, unique weapons and character customization.

Terraria can be played in 50 hours if you just want to defeat the main bosses. Users can extend their playing experience by installing game modifications from the Steam Workshop website.

One of my favourite mods that led to me logging more than 200 hours on the game is called “calamity,” which adds 27 additional bosses and difficulty modes. 

Stardew Valley has been captivating players with its cozy and relaxing gameplay experience since its release in 2016. [Screenshot from openverse by steamXO]
Stardew Valley

When I need to unwind, one of my go-to game choices is Stardew Valley. This predominantly single-player game offers a cozy and relaxing experience similar to Animal Crossing. Stardew Valley is a farm simulator featuring various activities like growing crops, raising livestock, fishing and cooking.

The game also includes individual character stories that can be discovered by talking to townspeople. Stardew Valley includes a unique storytelling element, as you and your character can foster different kinds of relationships with townspeople, keeping the game fresh and engaging at all times.

The game does have a feature to play with friends who can help you in gameplay. However, I enjoy playing this game by myself as a way to recharge my social battery and unwind. 

Indie platformer ‘Celeste’, released in 2018, offers a compelling storyline and increasingly difficult levels. [Screenshot from openverse by Matt Makes Games]

Celeste presents an escalating challenge, as it introduces increasingly intricate obstacles and mechanics catering to platformer enthusiasts. The game tells a unique narrative of a girl determined to conquer a daunting mountain, with each level unveiling perilous hazards and a malevolent doppelgänger acting as the primary antagonist. 

What captivates me about Celeste is its compelling storyline and the gratifying difficulty of its levels, ensuring my sustained engagement from start to finish.

Risk of Rain 2 was released in 2019 and its cyclical gameplay and huge array of items has kept players hooked ever since. [Screenshot from adityastreams on Twitch]
Risk of Rain 2 

In Risk of Rain 2, a thrilling third-person roguelike shooter, you’ll encounter a staggering array of 148 items, each acquired during your daring playthroughs. Thanks to a dynamic loot system, no two runs ever feel alike. 

For those new to the genre, roguelikes are games that reset your progress in each stage upon death, except for certain unlocked characters or items obtained during that session. The relentless cycle of risk and reward is what injects both excitement and challenge into every moment of gameplay, especially with the diverse roster of 12 playable characters at your disposal. 

One standout feature that I particularly appreciate is the “drizzle” mode. It serves as a gentler introduction to the game, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the items and stages while gradually unlocking characters. This serves as a vital preparation for the brutal trials of “monsoon” mode, where the game’s difficulty ramps up significantly.

Sea of Stars, released by Sabotage Studio in 2023, lets players embark on a quest to defeat a villain. [Screenshot from oggy_crepe on Twitch]
Sea of Stars 

Sea of Stars presents an immersive roleplaying experience centered around turn-based gameplay, where players embark on a quest to vanquish a villain alongside the protagonists, the children of the solstice, and their loyal party. 

One of my favourite features of this game is its innovative combat system, which I believe sets a standard that other turn-based games should aspire to adopt. Unlike traditional turn-based mechanics, Sea of Stars introduces a dynamic element by incorporating timing mechanics into offensive and defensive actions. For instance, executing attacks requires precise timing for maximum damage, while defending against enemy assaults involves timely deflection, each adversary demanding unique timing strategies. 

This level of interactivity elevates every encounter, infusing each battle with a palpable sense of engagement and enjoyment.

Get playing!

Having explored the intricacies of these five standout indie games spanning various genres, it’s evident that each title was meticulously crafted with time and effort. Unlike the often soulless offerings of mainstream games, these indie gems shine with creativity and passion.

As someone who continues to cherish video games, indie games hold a special significance for me. They’ve been a constant source of solace and relaxation since my youth, providing a welcome escape from the rigors of academic life.

I hope that you discover a game that resonates with you as deeply as it does with me. Whether you’re seeking a thrilling adventure, a thought-provoking narrative, or simply a way to unwind as you prepare for the winter exam season, may you find joy and satisfaction in the immersive worlds of indie gaming.

Files screenshotted from Twitch and Openverse