While Carleton’s sexual violence policy may have been passed by the Board of Governors (BoG) in December 2016, the controversy and debate it has created have far from subsided.

Our Turn Carleton, a student-led taskforce seeking to implement programs to address sexual violence at Carleton, has worked to develop what they see as a more suitable solution by creating their own sexual violence prevention and support programs.

While former Carleton president Roseann Runte said the sexual violence policy passed by the BoG “received strong student support,” Our Turn Carleton organizer Caitlin Salvino said her group continues to speak out against the policy because its creation and implementation “was primarily led by members of the university administration.”

The fact that students are coming together to create their own taskforce to combat sexual violence on campus shows that Carleton disappointed students with the sexual violence policy passed on Dec. 1. Carleton administration says that students had the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the draft policy.

But how seriously was feedback considered, and how diligent was university administration in seeking feedback, if students are still protesting and creating their own alternate programs months after the policy was passed?

If Carleton administration wishes to convince people that the school truly prioritizes student input in school policy, they would do well to allow students a better chance to shape a sexual violence policy that focuses on addressing their needs.