For people who identify as non-binary, trans, or genderqueer, worrying about which public bathroom to use can be a big challenge. Being forced to use a washroom that doesn’t correctly represent your gender is not only embarrassing, but also potentially dangerous. Many trans and genderqueer people have reported experiencing verbal and even physical threats for simply using the bathroom. By providing gender-neutral washrooms on campus, Carleton is taking a positive step in fighting transphobia and inequality on campus .

This past year, Carleton started implementing gender neutral washrooms around campus to help members of the LGBTQ+ community feel more welcome within its walls.

Although there have been many non-binary bathroom additions on campus, the university still has a long way to go. Having gender-neutral washrooms on campus is an important marker of equality, but until each male and female washroom standing side-by-side is accompanied by a gender neutral option, it’s hard to say whether equality is really here.

Years ago, women’s-only areas were considered a triumph for early feminism, but today, washrooms are one of the very few public spaces still segregated by gender. Universities across Canada are integral in promoting positive social change. By providing more non-binary washrooms on campus, these safe spaces can be a triumph for all people, no matter how they identify.