Editor’s note: Following publication of this editorial, The Charlatan was informed that two members of Almost Kennedy, who opened for Marianas Trench at Carleton’s frosh week, are Carleton students. This editorial has been updated to reflect that fact. The Charlatan regrets the error. 

In a world where musicians are constantly struggling to release their music to the public, there should be more venues on campus for Carleton musicians who are looking for opportunities to perform. There are various ways Carleton can give musicians, both in and out of the music program, chances to attract listeners, with a particularly prominent opportunity being the annual concert at Fall Orientation.

Like any university, Carleton has students who are deeply passionate about the arts, and more specifically, music. Musicians in the music program at Carleton could definitely use more of a spotlight in the greater Carleton community.

Frosh organizers should make it a point to feature Carleton students at the frosh concert every year. In 2015, students who won a Battle of the Bands competition organized by various on-campus groups were given the opportunity to open the frosh concert. This is an effective way of giving new bands a chance to experience what it’s like playing in front of crowd, while also showcasing homegrown talent.

This year, famous Canadian band Marianas Trench performed. While two members of opening band Almost Kennedy are Carleton students, this fact was not relayed to their fellow students in the crowd.

We need to be able to show Carleton’s musicians that they are just as supported as students in the more known programs, such as journalism and engineering.