Editorial: Universities must educate about phishing scams
When living in a world with sophisticated technology and intricate software, online scams have become more sophisticated and difficult to recognize.
It can be hard ...
Editorial: Frosh needs to better address mental health
This week, students from across the country—and in some cases, across the world—will descend on Carleton’s campus to begin their university careers. For many...
Editorial: Movies, T.V. should better reflect multiculturalism
Despite the ever-increasing multicultural nature of our world, it is yet to be accurately reflected in the media we consume.
Hollywood and various content creators...
Editorial: Free online classes will make education more accessible
In a world where university degrees are often used to measure a person’s intellect or ability to perform a job, knowledge seems to be...
Editorial: Career Services should do more to promote part-time jobs
Carleton’s Career Services has been an important resource for students on campus whether it is reviewing résumés and cover letters, or providing job postings....