Home Blog Graphics Blog Carl Talon’s Tips — April 9, 2015 Carl Talon’s Tips — April 9, 2015 By Brendan McShane - April 8, 2015 205 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Graphics Blog Top five most unforgettable things to do on campus! Blog Visual review: Wallow’s deluxe ‘Remote’ EP comes out right on time Graphics Blog Horoscopes: What does the universe have in store for you? 3,000FansLike1,100FollowersFollow4,000FollowersFollow1,500SubscribersSubscribe Ottawa scattered clouds enter location -12.8 ° C -12.8 ° -15.1 ° 72 % 2.1kmh 40 % Thu -5 ° Fri -6 ° Sat -1 ° Sun -1 ° Mon -6 °