Health and Counselling Services (HCS), located in room 2600 of the Technology and Training Centre, is committed to students’ physical and mental well-being by providing the same services as most family doctors offer.

“One of the most important things students can do for their health is to manage their stress,” says Patty Allen, mental health nurse at HCS. Stress can affect various aspects of your life, from academics, to your physical health. One of the reasons a lot of students tend to get sick during exam time is stress. Allen also suggests that if students find taking five courses is too overwhelming, not to be afraid to take a lighter course load.

If you are experiencing issues related to your mental well-being, it may be useful to attend one of the workshops the centre offers. The workshop topics include stress and anxiety, working with emotions, culture shock, and loss and grief. The workshops tend to start in late September, and meet once a week for the duration of a semester. If interested, you can register online.

The centre can also help with your sexual health. Doctors are available to help ensure you’re making smart choices for yourself. They can also help you choose a birth control method, and test you for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Free condoms are also available.

HCS is open Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. You can book an appointment in person or by phone.