Foot Patrol provided safe walks home to students on and near campus. [Photo by Nicholas Galipeau]

The unofficial results for the 2019 Foot Patrol referendum were confirmed by Chief Electoral Officer Nada Ibrahim. In total, 7,589 voted in the referendum out of 27,997–27.1 per cent of eligible voters.

The referendum asked students to vote on whether they’re in favour of a $0.43 increase per semester in the Foot Patrol levy, indexed to inflation.

The increase would aim to provide Mental Health First Aid and standard first aid training to Foot Patrol volunteers, a second coordinator to support the continued expansion of Foot Patrol, and the creation of an app to facilitate electronic safe walk requests.

Results are as follows:

Yes – 4,764 

No – 1,860

Abstain – 965

As this question was optional, abstentions include both those who selected no candidate as well as those who selected the ‘Abstain’ option on the ballot.