
In her final season with the Ravens, rugby player Natasha Smith showed exactly why she is more than deserving of the praise of both her teammates and coaches.

Following a season in which she scored 70 points, Smith was named a first-team Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec all-star. She also earned first-team Canadian Interuniversity Sport All-Canadian honours.

Smith’s teammate Michelle Flowers described her as a leaderwho is constantly working hard both on and off the field.

“She’s worked very hard to refine her skills and continue to acknowledge her strengths and address her weaknesses to have the successes she has had,” Flowers said in an email.

She also praised Smith for her knowledge of the game.

“It enables her to not only help her own play, but that of the team as well,” Flowers said. “It gives her the ability to really help players individually, and Natasha always takes the time to help others one on one.”

“She’s always positive and inspires others to work hard,” she added.

In addition to her stellar season with the Ravens, Smith competed with Team Canada at the 2014 International University Sports Federation Games. She also travelled with the national team to Las Vegas, where they competed in the Las Vegas Sevens Invitational.

Smith was also recognized for her efforts at Carleton’s annual athletic banquet, where she won the team’s most valuable player award, and was named overall female athlete of the year.