A Wisconsin college student will serve a 90-day jail sentence after repeatedly putting eye drops into her roommat’s water, according to the Daily Mail.

Luciana Reichell was charged with a felony count of placing foreign objects in edibles, after putting Visine in a quart-sized water bottle used by her roommate Briannia Charapata, according to the Daily Mail.

The Fox Valley Techincal College student claimed she pulled this prank after seeing it in the movie Wedding Crashers,according to police.

Charapata began feeling nauseated, suffered from diarrhea, loss of appetite and was tired for no reason, according to a police report.

Charapata told the Daily Mail she started to feel unwell at the beginning of October and it was not until two weeks later that she decided to visit a doctor, who was unable to explain the cause of her illness.

The prank wasn’t discovered until November, when a mutual friend told Charapata about the joke, according to the< Daily Mail.