SecretJoke Edition
Editor's Note
Amid changing COVID-19 restrictions and an odd amount of once-in-a-lifetime events, the Charlatan staff has worked tirelessly to keep the Carleton community informed. Behind the scenes, we have cackled during unhinged ed staff meetings, posted questionable memes in our Slack channels and had sleep-deprived laughing fits while filing copy. Not only is the current Charlatan masthead a phenomenal group of journalists, but they're also part-time comedians. Due to journalistic standards, I often have to remove the jokes that the editors try to sneak into their content. Occasionally the odd #IAmARaven comment is approved, but the average reader doesn't get to see just how funny the staff really is. In this special joke issue of the Charlatan, readers get a glimpse of the editorial staff's humour. As EIC I have the final editorial say on content, and I say one last time to my amazing, talented and hilarious staff: that's funny.
Important News
Do not believe them. They are a ploy and they are fake news and they will get what's coming to them, I can tell you that much.
Donald J. Trump
Former President of the United StatesEvery time I visit the Charlatan website, I get a warm cozy feeling of security and friendship . I always feel confident that all the news I am getting is solid and it is exclusively what inspired me to go back to school to study Journalism at Carleton.
Barack Obama
Former Former President of the United StatesI really love how they hold people in power to account.