I’m a second year computer systems engineer, and one of the past CUSA councillors for the faculty of engineering and design. I am also currently the president of the Systems and Computer Engineering Society (SCESoc). Last year I was also part of the Troitsky Bridge team, EWB, CPRT, CUInspace and an EngFrosh facil. I love being an active part of the engineering community, and getting involved every way I can.

Last year was my first year on council, and I noticed several things that need to change. The first thing I want to change is the transparency of CUSA council. Even being a councillor, I sometimes found myself struggling to find information on what CUSA was doing, and how they ran. I want to work with other councillors and executive to make the CUSA council more student friendly. Going along with transparency, I want to work on creating a more accountable CUSA. CUSA is a huge organization, and it’s important for students to be able to find out who is in change of what and how they can be contacted. These are my goal I would work on if elected.