Since we are all in quarantine due to COVID-19, I now have more time on my hands to do some of the many things I love and did not have a chance to do during the semester. One of those things is cooking! 

When I was little, I was always in the kitchen with my mum helping her make meals and bake sweets. I learned so many things from her. However, I like to invent or combine different recipes to make a new dish. Once I finish a dish, I take fancy pictures to celebrate the success (photography is another hobby that I get to practice more often now)!

However due to the pandemic, my cooking abilities are now strained. I try to create recipes with what I have available in the house, to prevent unnecessary travel to the grocery store. 

One of my latest quarantine meals was salmon with spiced rice and a light, refreshing salad. I bet after looking at the picture, you are excited to know how to create it (and maybe your mouth is even watering a bit). Well then, let’s get started!

Seasoned salmon and spiced rice with tomato and onion salad

Serves: 4; Prep time: 1 ½ hour; Cook time: about 30 minutes


Salmon and dressing:

4 portions of salmon fillets (you can have the skin on if you like; I used portions with no skin)

3 large tablespoons of melted butter

2 cloves of minced garlic

½ teaspoon of chili powder

½ teaspoon of dried oregano

½ lemon juice (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste

Spiced rice:

1 largely diced medium size onion (preferably white/yellow onion)

1 cup of raisins soaked in water (optional)

½ teaspoon of oregano

1 ½ cup of cooked rice (made the night before and cooled)

Salt and pepper to taste


3 small diced tomatoes

1 small diced onion (preferably red)

1 tablespoon of vinegar

½ of a lemon juice

Salt and pepper

Chopped parsley (optional) for garnish


  1. Mix the melted butter, salt, pepper, minced garlic, chili powder, oregano and lemon juice. Note: you can substitute the butter with olive oil if you do not have any.
  2. Brush the butter mix on the salmon fillets. The more generous you are, the more flavour you will get.
  3. Place the salmon fillets on a plate and in the fridge. Let sit for one hour.
  4. In a medium-sized, non-stick pan on medium heat, place the largely diced onion and raisins with salt, pepper, curry and oregano. Cook until the onions are tender, yellow and see-through. Keep stirring so that the onion does not stick to the pan and burn. Remove from heat once ready. Note: You can add more spices if you have any available at home such as coriander, cumin, garlic powder, et cetera.
  5. In a big bowl, mix the cooked rice, onion and raisins until the colour of the rice is yellow from the curry in the onion mix. Leave that for at least 30 minutes so the rice absorbs all the spices. Note: The rice must be cooled to avoid clumping.
  6. Prepare the vegetables for the salad. Dice the onion and tomatoes into small pieces and put into a bowl. Season with salt and pepper according to taste; add vinegar and lemon juice. Garnish with parsley and mix the salad.
  7. Using another medium-sized, non-stick pan on medium heat, place the seasoned salmon portions in the pan and cook for one to two minutes on each side to give them a nice colour. Then, leave the salmon for about five minutes to cook through. Once cooked, leave for a few minutes to rest. Note: Cooking time differs depending on the fillet thickness. To check, poke the middle of the fillet with a fork and if it goes through smoothly and it is light pink, then it is ready.
  8. Spoon rice on a plate and stack a salmon portion on top of the rice. Then take a tablespoon or two of the salad and place it on the salmon portions. Keep in mind that this is plating, so you can be as artistic with it as you want!

There you have it! Beautiful spiced rice and tasty seasoned salmon portions paired with a refreshing tomato and onion salad.

Try it on a hot summer afternoon and share the meal with your family. Trust me, they will appreciate it just like my mum and sister did! Bon appétit!

Featured image by Sohalia Ibrahim.