A Queen’s University student said a stranger attacked her after she received threatening emails over her support of feminist activities on campus.

Danielle d’Entremont posted a photo of herself on Facebook after the alleged incident, which shows bruising on her cheek and a chipped tooth.

“Just walked out of my house and got attacked by a stranger. I was punched in the face multiple times and lost half my tooth,” d’Entremont said in the post.

She wrote that she wasn’t sure if there is a connection between the attack and the emails, but her attacker was a male and knew her name.

In a later status update, d’Entremont said her intention behind posting the photo “was for the safety of my immediate community.”

“I want to clarify I place no blame on any particular group,” she said, adding that she hopes the attack was unrelated to her personal beliefs.

“Many people have asked how they can help or what they can do. I would ask that you please shift the focus from me as an individual towards the broader social issues at hand,”  she said

Queen’s University tweeted that the alleged assault took place off campus.

“Campus Security assisted the victim in making her report to the Kingston Police and they are investigating,” the university tweeted.