Dear Justin Bieber,

I see you’ve won the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Impressive. I also see that the Prime Minister of Canada, the Hon. Stephen Harper, presented you with this medal. It is a once-in-a-lifetime moment for a young person, if you ask me.

Normally, I would take an opportunity like this to congratulate you on receiving such an incredible honour. You can forget it. It’s not going to happen.

This is not a letter of congratulations. Not even close. Quite frankly, I do not believe you deserve to receive this award at all, and this opinion has nothing to do with your career. Why? In my mind you have no understanding of what this medal represents.

Why do I think this? Your clothing choice speaks volumes. Just so this doesn’t come across as a judgment based solely on appearances, your tweet ‘#Overalls. Lol’ after the award ceremony does not help your case.

You had a chance to represent the young people of Canada. To quash any and all belief that we lack respect, that we have no understanding of the concept of professionalism. That, simply put, we are a generation of stuck up, snobby brats.

Instead, you only served to reiterate this close-minded view of young Canadians.

Like it or not, you are an idol to young men and women nationwide. You serve as a role model. I expected better of you. When you are given the chance to represent the next generation on the national stage, you had better dress the part.

Meeting the prime minister is an honour, end of discussion. This is the moment to dust off a suit, or at least a button up shirt, a nice sweater, and a pair of dress pants. I know you own these items of clothing. You’ve worn them at past publicity events. Even if you didn’t, you, sir, have enough money to at least send someone on your behalf to purchase them.

Instead, you decided to embarrass the entire country by meeting our prime minister to receive an exceptional award dressed like you had just finished painting the garage.

The worst part, you thought it was funny. Think again.

This is an award that has been presented to close to 60 000 Canadians, the majority of whom have spent their entire lives making the world a better place. They are philanthropists, volunteers, young people committed to helping the next generation.

These are people who have helped heal the hurt, have shown compassion, and deserve the respect of the entire country.

Your utter lack of class has not only embarrassed the entire country, but you have indirectly insulted every single one of these deserving recipients with your absolute lack of appreciation for the importance of this award.

Oh, I should remind you, the prime minister was awarding this medal on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. If she had been the one presenting you with this honour, would you have dressed the same way?

I didn’t think so.

On second thought, after this wardrobe choice, maybe you would’ve.

In any event, grow up Justin.


An appalled young Canadian.


Kelsey Johnson,

fourth-year journalism