The O-Train is back to full regular service, according to OC Transpo’s Twitter account.

O-Train service was reduced to every half hour after experiencing electrical malfunctions in one of the trains on Aug. 25, according to OC Transpo.

These service disruptions were a result of signal issues unrelated to the partial derailment that occurred Aug. 11, said Troy Charter, manager of transit operations.

After the derailment and once the necessary repairs and inspections were conducted to the track and signal infrastructure to ensure that service could safely return to regular operation, the O-Train returned to regular service on Aug. 12.

On Sept. 3, OC Transpo Track Maintenance and Signal Maintainer worked together to rectify the signal issue and allow the O-Train to resume regular service at approximately 9:00 a.m, Charter said.

He also said it’s not known whether the train that was removed because of the derailment will go back into full service or not, as the assessment of the train is still underway.

The City of Ottawa has purchased six new trains as part of the O-Train Expansion Project, he said.

Expanded service is expected to be implemented later this year and will increase capacity and accommodate an increase in ridership, reduce waiting times, and improve comfort and convenience for customers, Charter said.