To all the first-years and some upper-years, there are some terms only known by Carleton students, ones you will soon learn. To give you a leg up, here’s a guide to some of the campus lingo:

The UC: Short for the University Centre, this building is central on campus, and one you will most likely be passing through a lot. You’ll basically be calling it the ‘UC’ for short by the time you’re done your first week here.

The quad: The green space in front of the library with trees and benches. On the rare occasion that the weather is warm, it’s a nice place to study.

CUSA: Carleton University Students’ Association. They are the student government, the ones who run frosh, most big events on campus, and support student clubs and societies.

Floorcest: Having romantic relationships with other people on your floor in res. Remember you’ll be living there for eight months and having a good dynamic with your neighbours is important.

The atrium: The big open space on fourth floor University Centre. This is always busy with bake sales, fundraisers, social events, or even dance practices. You’re guaranteed to be approached by at least a few people asking for support for this or that but if you’re ever bored on campus, it’s a good place to go learn something.

GSA: The Graduate Students’ Association. They offer many services, grants, and run campaigns. Mike’s Place, the bar on second floor of the University Centre is run by the GSA.

The fishbowl: The space in the middle of Stormont and Dundas residences. This area is generally avoided because when you look up, every window is facing you, hence the name.

RRRA: Rideau River Residence Association. Every floor in residence can have one elected member be part of this organization, who plan events, fundraisers, and organize everything relating to campus residences.
Fun fact: Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson began his political career as the president of RRRA back in his days at Carleton.

Oasis: Although it’s not a heavenly paradise, it’s pretty close. It’s a food paradise in the tunnels by Residence Commons, the only place on campus open until 2 a.m. Stocked with food such as pizza, subs, poutine, and burgers, it satisfies the late night cravings for all-nighters or after a night out.

Abs: Abstentions, the convenience store in Residence Commons with everything from toothpaste to snacks to pencils. It’s run by RRRA (which you will understand if you’ve been paying attention).

Canmates: They are your bathroom buddies, the students in the room beside you who you share a bathroom with. Being your closest neighbours, they’re quality friend material. Also it’s no fun cleaning the bathroom by yourself, so good relations with the canmates is always a good thing.

SASC: Student Academic Success Centre, this is where you go for all questions regarding your program, courses, or audit. Unless you’re in journalism or engineering.

Mackenzie Building: It’s not lingo, but we should warn you about it. With towers, floors, nooks, and crannies, students spend an ungodly amount of time being lost in this building. Navigating through this building is one of the most challenging parts of campus. It’s the engineering building, located between the residences and the University Centre. If you have a class here, allow yourself lots of time and good luck.

While your first few times on campus may seem a little daunting, it’s soon going to feel like home. Join reporter Sam Lehman as she takes you on a tour around Canada’s capital university.