
Here in Canada, there is an openness and tolerance of most religions and spiritualities. Despite many regions still rampant with cultural and institutional bigotry against one or more types of people, the world as a whole has grown kinder and more welcoming. In a society that has been established predominantly on the values of Abrahamic religions however, there are still many who fear and disdain those who call themselves a Pagan, Wiccan, or witch.

Practicing Wiccans, Pagans, and witches are no longer persecuted due to prejudiced legal systems and are even protected and recognized as legitimate by law in most provinces.

While the religion is legally recognized, it is often not recognized practically. I have seen my fair share of scorns, scowls, and grimaces when being open about my faith and practices in the past and I am certain those like me can say the same. We are often disregarded as unintelligent, delusional, or mentally unstable. For this reason, there is a need for education and awareness of this religion.

Wicca is a duotheistic belief system founded on concepts of kindness, community and understanding with nature as the cornerstone. Most forms of Paganism share in these aspects, while generally emphasizing the need to let all be as they wish.
I don’t need to worry about being legally executed by being burnt alive in North America. In other parts of the world, however, there are still those killed for living a similar lifestyle. Those murdered recently by the extremist group ISIS, for example: two couples who were killed in July and a man in April.

I don’t fear for my life when I walk through the Byward Market with a pentacle pendant, which represents nature and the elements, but there is still a problem of ignorance that needs to be addressed. A lack of understanding that is fueled by fear and discomfort, instilled by the theological foundations of North America.

In 2013, Statistics Canada identified less than 12,000 individuals who openly identify as Wiccan or Pagan. We are an open-minded, open-hearted group that simply wish to provide knowledge, community, and spirituality for those who need any of these things.

This sense of community and resources for spiritual education is necessary because even though by nature Wiccan and Pagans are kind and peaceful, we are seen as the Wicked Witch of the West due to prejudice, ignorance and inaccurate media depictions. For those who are unfamiliar with the nature or beliefs of Paganism, Wicca, or any other faith or spirituality, my only recommendation is that you take a moment to look into it. There is no harm in knowledge or understanding.