(File photo illustration by Carol Kan)

In this long and arduous strike, now approaching three weeks, we have had many struggles with the picket lines that have engulfed the entrances of our university.

The strike has been difficult. A picketer’s foot was run over, a terrible close call that ought to serve as a reminder of the need for safety on the picket lines. Students spoke out about how they felt intimidated by the inappropriate comments made by certain picketers to promote their cause. And of course we can’t overlook the bus service disruption on campus.

Throughout this period, students have been caught in the middle between the unions and the administration. In too many ways students have been powerless in the face of these labour disturbances which affect their lives.

Students are being used only as pawns, with no one standing by to advocate for our interest.

The Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has the potential to act as an advocate for students. But CUSA has no policy or regulation to guide its actions during strikes. With no policy, CUSA has been unable to give a coherent voice to the interests of students.

That’s why I have proposed two new policies for CUSA—one on strikes, and one on picketing—that will go to a vote on April 2.

The strike policy will be based on the idea that it is simply unacceptable for the union and administration not to be actively negotiating while students are being inconvenienced. It will turn CUSA into an advocate and lobbyist for a speedy resolution to all labour disputes in our university.

I think the picket policy which I have proposed does something even more important. It will turn CUSA into an advocate for safety and non-intimidation on the picket line.

The picket policy would recognize that it is unacceptable for dangerous accidents and collisions to happen on or near the picket line, with no action taken by any party to ensure that these accidents don’t happen again.

The picket policy would allow CUSA to stand up for all students who feel unsafe or intimidated on a union picket line at the university, and to play a positive role working with the union to ensure that no student ever has to feel unsafe or unrepresented again.

It’s time for CUSA to become an advocate for students during these strikes, and the best way to accomplish this is by adopting these new policies.