Name: James Armbruster

Program/year: Human rights and law, fourth year

Position: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) councillor

1. Why are you running for CUSA council?

The Carleton community has given me so many amazing opportunities; being on CUSA is a great way to give back. Representing fellow FASS students has always been a great honour of mine.

2. What do you think makes you a good candidate?

Vast level of experience in student government. CUSA councillor, CASG VP, student senator. A lot of experience with clubs and societies. I’m the co-chair of Relay for Life.

3. What are two things you hope to achieve if elected?

Increase funding to clubs and societies. As CASG VP operations I secured over $6,000 in funding for clubs and societies. FASS student society; FASS is the largest faculty on campus wiht a diverse student body. I would love to be able to bring this group together.

4. What’s one fun fact about yourself?

I’m a huge Seinfeld fan.