Name: Khalid Altay
Program: Engineering
Position running for: Engineering councillor

1) Why are you running for CUSA?

Because I believe there’s a lot more than just attending classes for any student that is paying full fees. Getting my personaly out always makes me feel better.

2) What do you think makes you a good candidate?

My work ethics, personality, and most importantly I’m the current engineering counsellor.

3) What are two things you hope to achieve if elected?

Improve in communication between engineering students/clubs/societies and CUSA.

4) What’s one fun fact about yourself?

Easiest person to approach and ask for help.

Name: Suhaib Habboush
Program: Computer systems engineeering
Position running for: Engineering councillor

1) Why are you running for CUSA?

I love to get involved and have this fantastic experience in my life.

2) What do you think makes you a good candidate?

I’m very social with engineering students so any student can come and talk to me. I have good experience to help the engineering students to get what they are looking for.

3) What are two things you hope to achieve if elected?

– Make special studying areas for the engineering student.
– Communications between engineering students and CUSA will be much easier.

4) What’s one fun fact about yourself?

I can turn your mood and make you laugh no matter what it is.