Another election has come and gone for the Rideau River Residence Association (RRRA). It was certainly an improvement over the 2013 election, which extended for three months.

But this year the whole process was rushed.

The nomination period lasted only two days and the entire election process was finished in one day. It would be a shame if any RRRA leadership hopefuls didn’t have time to enter the race and missed their chance of running.

A lot goes into deciding to run in a student election; candidates need to consider their working situation, how many votes they could get, and who they would run with. Other practical concerns like campaign material also needs to be discussed and debated.

The Real Leadership slate had the edge when it came to general RRRA knowledge. It comes as no surprise that two of its current executives were on the only slate that ended up running.

Although president-elect Graham Pedregosa told the Charlatan the timing was also a surprise for him, it doesn’t look good that Will Verschuren, the current RRRA president, was the one who decided on the short time frame.

We know RRRA won’t be turning into a dictatorship any time soon, but the appearance of a rushed election is a real blow to the integrity of a team that has focused all year on transparency.