For the past three years, undergraduate students at Carleton have had an executive made up of members from the same slate—A Better Carleton. But next year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) will have five members from the Your Carleton slate and one from Change CUSA, Sean Smith.

Sean Smith, the vice-president (student life) elect will be effectively representing every student who did not vote for the Your Carleton slate, whether they voted for him or not.

In many ways, next year’s CUSA executive will be more democratic. They will be representing more student opinions and will have a voice among them who will not agree with all their proposed policies. Smith has even said he will not “drink the purple Kool-Aid,” a reference to Your Carleton and A Better Carleton’s team colour—purple.

The 2011-12 year was the last time there was a mixed executive, all the vice-presidents came from one slate and the president, Obed Okyere, from another. The executive disagreed, the vice-president (internal) effectively fired most of council, who in turn sued the executive.

Next year’s executive needs to be different—not only that, it needs to be superior. It can’t squabble like Okyere’s executive, it can’t be indifferent to second opinions.

This mixed executive needs to be coherent enough to work, but different enough to be inclusive of many student opinions.

The results of the election are indicative of change on campus. The new executive needs to take this into account and work together.