It’s Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) election season, and you know what that means. Dozens of CUSA council and executive hopefuls will ask for a moment of your time so they can fill you in on how they’re going to make Carleton the best it can be.

CUSA has an operating budget of about $2.4 million. It runs businesses such as Rooster’s, Oliver’s Pub, and Henry’s.

CUSA conducts referendums. It advocates on your behalf to the administration and has the ability to effect real change on campus. This year alone, CUSA helped introduce a fall reading week and somewhat-heated bus stops to campus.

Despite this, only around 4,500 votes were cast in last year’s CUSA elections. There are over 20,000 undergraduate students at Carleton.

Whether you dislike CUSA or just can’t be bothered to hear them out, it’s clear voter apathy is rampant across Carleton campus.

It can be tempting to throw your earphones in and shut out the constant campaigning, but consider the power CUSA has. Consider the hours of work candidates put into their campaigns trying to improve Carleton.

Take five minutes to consider the various platforms. If you’re truly unhappy with the candidates, then make your point by spoiling your ballot.

Don’t be an apathetic voter. Engage in the process. Hear candidates out. Vote.