Advice about sex, relationships and everything in between will soon be brought to you by Maya Blumenfeld (left) and Annie Doane (right)! [Photos provided]

We’ve all been there—trying to navigate the blossoming of a crush, the beginnings of a new fling, or telling someone you’re just NOT into them. Sometimes, you need a second opinion (or third!).

Relationship complications have always been a shitty aspect of life, and with a pandemic, that challenge has been exacerbated to the extreme. Whether you’re drowning in Tinder matches or locked away in an apartment with a significant other you’re not quite sure you want to be ‘significant’ anymore, this imprisonment makes 2020 really feel like the end is nigh. 

There couldn’t be a better time for us to step in. 

We’re Maya and Annie—two queer female Carleton journalism students with a passion for oversharing and giving advice. (Sometimes, without being asked—but it’s all in the name of love!) We’re ready to put our unofficial title as “love doctors” to the test with our new Charlatan column, Dirty Talk.

May we just start off by saying, we are by no means sexperts or certified specialists of love, but we still want to be your confidantes in all things dating. We’re your friendly, neighbourhood college friends who will answer your worries with open ears and unfiltered feedback.

Dirty Talk will consist of informative, themed pieces, as well as us answering your questions! For each bi-weekly article we release, we’ll provide both of our respective perspectives on the topics at hand. (‘The more the merrier’ doesn’t have to just apply to group sex, you know.) 

To submit a question or general article topic—or any other ideas you may have—click here for our anonymous Google form

We’re so excited to hear about all of your fucked-up conquests, messy relationship statuses, and crazy exes.

Yours truly,

Maya and Annie

Featured images provided.