My name is Delante Alan Brown and I am a first-year student working towards my bachelor of commerce. I am running to be a CUSA business councillor.

Before attending Carleton University, I took a year off. During my year off, I took every opportunity to better myself in many areas as a person. I was privileged enough to spend a month travelling Europe with my older brother, opening my mind to many different cultures. Instead of staying in hotels, I had the opportunity to immerse myself right into a unique culture, by living with my brother in the heart of a small German village called Oestrich-Winkel. This experience was not used as leisure, but as a chance to learn about many other people and their individual experience, as I was surrounded by many exchange students.

Upon returning, I began seeking more opportunities to better myself, and became a manager at Anytime Fitness. Here, I dealt with and resolved complaints, as well as created an environment in which complaints would be limited if necessary. These experiences, along with many others, have given me confidence I will be able to represent the diverse business program with extreme effectiveness.

My platform is focusing on accessibility more than anything. I want to make our lives as students, as easy as possible. The issues I will be focusing on are extending the hours of operation of our cafeteria, improving the wireless Internet across campus, and speeding up the process of the disclosure of our grades. Since many of us have busy schedules, we want to take any opportunity possible to fuel our bodies to take on the workload. Extending the cafeteria hours will make it possible for us to fuel our bodies whether we have class early in the morning, or late at night. Since many of us spend our winters navigating the tunnel systems of Carleton University, I believe improved Internet is necessary to accommodate to all the students doing the majority of their traveling underground. Lastly, I wish to speed up the process in which our grades are disclosed after exams. Nothing is worse than sitting and waiting to see the grade you received after hours of preparation for stressful exams, and I wish to cut down on that waiting. Together, we can achieve great things!