Women’s soccer team welcomes new faces to sideline
The Carleton women’s soccer team will return to the field next season with many new faces on the sideline.
Fred Juett, a former player for...
Men’s Soccer team welcomes two new faces
During the month of June 2016, the Carleton men’s soccer team welcomed Odaine Demar as the newest recruit, while promoting Kwesi Loney to head...
Commentary: 2015-16 top ten moments in sports
After a full year of accomplishments in Carleton sports it's hard to pick out the best. But after careful analyzing, here are the top...
Ravens awarded at varsity banquet
After a successful 2015-16 season for Carleton Varsity Athletics, the teams gathered to celebrate and recognize the achievements made over the past year. The...
Ten athletes up for Reader’s Choice awards
As the 2015-16 athletics season winds down at Carleton, The Charlatan is looking for the top athletes from various teams to assemble an elite...