Editorial: Rivalry Series needs to grow
The annual Panda Game between the Carleton Ravens and University of Ottawa (U of O) Gee-Gees broke the attendance record once again, and it...
Editorial: Police must do more for Indigenous women
When Inuit artist Annie Pootoogook’s body was found in the Rideau River by Ottawa police on Sept. 19, they initially announced that her death...
Editorial: Criticisms of CFS are valid
Ten student unions, including the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), have signed a letter to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), criticizing the organization.
Editorial: O-Train continues to disappoint
Five years ago, Ottawa City Council approved a $60-million expansion to the O-Train Trillium line, with the expectation that trip frequency would be reduced...
Editorial: Pepper spray should not be used by campus security
The University of Windsor is equipping and training campus police with pepper spray, according to CBC Windsor.
Several other universities, including the University of Guelph,...