Editorial: Student protests on education issues can create change
In 2012, for eight months, hundreds of thousands of Quebecois post-secondary students protested province-wide increases to tuition. The number of students protesting is estimated...
Editorial: Ontario revenue cuts may affect student campus life
The University of Toronto (U of T) released a new their 2019-2020 budget, which projected a $88-million deficit in their projected revenue, according to...
Editorial: The continuation of #MeToo must represent everybody
After The New York Times published a story in October 2017 detailing sexual abuse allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo movement exploded...
Editorial: Unpaid internships take advantage of students
Quebecois students are planning on striking against unpaid internships from March 18-22. This strike action isn’t new—in November 2018, 50,000 Quebec students—led by the...
Editorial: Students must be informed about healthcare coverage
Following Carleton’s suspension of the TA healthcare plan, it is clear that the way the university informs students and staff about changes to their...