Facebook puts itself on the market with new dating feature
Some students may have met their partners through Facebook, but now the social media site is launching a feature meant for matchmaking.
Facebook Dating launched...
November is Financial Literacy Month
Across the country, students struggling to make sense of how to keep track of all their dollars and cents can take advantage of Financial...
SFUO release forensic audit results, former executives resign
The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) released the forensic audit report by audit firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which found that the fraud allegations...
Nova Scotia funds online mental health program for all post-secondary students
The government of Nova Scotia unveiled a new public e-mental health program on Oct. 30. Every post-secondary student in the province will now have...
U of T student union passes motion to reject Ford’s free speech mandate
The University of Toronto’s Student Union (UTSU) passed a resolution at its 2018 Annual General Meeting that condemned the recent free speech mandate implemented...