Cutting costs with consignment
Consignment and vintage shopping helps unemployed students save money.
Fan fiction: What is it?
Fan fiction is when fans of a book, movie, or any other kind of story pen their own versions using the characters or settings from stories they love. Here are some examples:
Fan fiction: Is it stealing?
Edward Cullen looks around. Everything is quiet. He relaxes, until suddenly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer jumps out from the bushes.
The diet debate: food fads
When it comes to diets, the the old adage “You are what you eat” certainly seems to ring true. For those looking to make healthier food choices, popular diets can help you figure out how to eat right.
Shades of green: vegetarians aren’t all the same
When he was working for Bell Canada as a telephone line repairman over six years ago, Casey Switzer saw first-hand the poor living conditions of farm animals.