Caffeine is a natural ingredient found in the leaves of many plants. Most common effects are increased alertness and ability to concentrate. Potentially harmful effects include insomnia and irritability.

— source: Health Canada

Tobacco is made from the dried leaves of tobacco plants. Immediate effects can include stimulating the nervous system as well as increasing heart rate and blood pressure. It’s considered to be highly toxic and was once used as a pesticide.

— source: Drug and Alcohol Services, Government of the state of South Australia

Cannabis (marijuana) is classified as an intoxicant, stimulant, psychedelic and depressant. It’s the most widely used illegal psychoactive. It’s used for both medicinal and recreational use.

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives

MDMA is most commonly sold in the form of ecstasy tablets. It causes empathogenic, euphoric and stimulant effects. The tablets are also notoriously impure, often laced with chemicals other than MDMA.

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives

LSD is classified solely as a psychedelic. A medium dosage solicits spatial distortions, visual and auditory hallucinations, synesthesia and mood elevation.

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives

Morning Glory refers to extracted seeds which contain lysergic acid diethylamide (LSA) and are therefore a psychedelic. The seeds themselves are extracted from ‘ipomoea violacea,’ which is “a common ornamental vine with heart-shaped leaves and bright white, pink or purple flowers.”

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives

Salvia exists as a sprawling perennial herb. Its leaves contain the extremely potent Salvinorin A. It’s classified as a psychedelic drug and its effects “are considered unpleasant by many people.”

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives

Psilocybin is found in 180 different species of mushroom and is a psychedelic. They are “currently one of the most popular and commonly available natural psychedelics.”

— source: Erowid: Documenting the Complex Relationships Between Humans & Psychoactives