Sex And Relationships Blog

Sex blog: Sharing our fantasies

The extent to which we’ve politicized and commercialized sexuality is totally unprecedented. Sex as a commodity, that cynical “sex sells” cliché, truly concerns a lot of people. But I don’t share that concern.

Sex blog: Appreciate the power of a good kiss

Perhaps I’ve been desensitized by over-sexed media inputs, or maybe I’m just a jaded pervert, but I too often overlook the awesome power of a good kiss.

Sex & the Single Student: Embarking on a ‘mini sexual revolution’

Next to a dominatrix cage in the back room of a sex shop, a bra-less High Priestess of Divine Sexuality and Healing called Gaia taught me that life is better when you’re horny. While perusing Wicked Wanda’s website, I came across a workshop called "Succulent Living; Practical tantra for everyday." Tantra is the ancient practice of harnessing your sexual energy to invigorate and heal. The idea is that one is always in the moment, engaging all senses. The most practiced tantrics can spend days in bed, writhing in orgasmic ecstasy, their entire bodies transformed into an erogenous zone. Needless to say, I was interested.

Sex Blog: CBC’s ‘Hard’ is a sitcom, not porn

Sun News is highly offended. And apparently, all Canadian taxpayers should be too.

Sex and the Single Student Blog: Scary and the slut

When I pick out my Halloween costume this year, I plan on bypassing all the mainstream packaged costumes that range from slutty Alice in Wonderland to slutty Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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