Miss going to museums? Here are four virtual galleries to help fill the void
If you’re anything like me, one of the most disappointing parts of the COVID-19 crisis has been the closure of all the museums and...
Live arts programming brings communities together, from a safe distance
In a time of social distancing and uncertainty, musicians are creatively working to provide fans with more ways than ever to access their content.
Looking for an Animal Crossing alternative during COVID-19? Try Stardew Valley
With the current state of the world, these are difficult times for many. As the news continuously changes, and our country requires us to...
Quarantine chronicles: Book suggestions to help ease self-isolation
Travel may be banned. But for an equally vivid—and budget-friendly—experience, books can take us on exclusive, metaphysical journeys that thoughtfully adhere to the public...
Review: That season of ‘The Bachelor’ was f**king chaos
Usually when Chris Harrison, the host of The Bachelor, describes a season as “the most dramatic season/season finale in Bachelor history,” everyone collectively rolls...