As Carleton students grow out their beards in support of research for prostate cancer, Campus Style catches up with students on all the latest tips and tricks for facial hair maintenance while supporting a good cause.
November is brimming with tired university students running right and left with mismatching socks and unshaven faces.
With the stress of final papers and exam preparation, most of us don’t have the time to give our beards a trim—let alone start a fundraiser! Yet, Movember is upon us. ’Tis the season to raise money and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer.
The Movember Foundation raised roughly $40 million last year in Canada alone. Just last week, Carleton’s Sigma Pi Eta Rho fraternity held a fundraiser in the University Centre with all proceeds going directly to the Movember Foundation. Considering the accessibility of donations, your style bloggers wondered whether Carleton students were donating. But seeing as this is the Campus Style blog, we asked a few men for their tips on growing the perfect ‘stache.

Patrick Butler, second-year journalism
Did you grow your beard for Movember?
Yeah, I talked about it with other people. It was a combination of, “hey! It’s a good cause,” and, “let’s try this out.” Because I’ve never done it before.
How have you liked growing facial hair?
It’s been an experience. I never realized how much I don’t enjoy shaving and how much I appreciate not having to do that. It saves me time in the morning, and it’s for a good cause.
Did you donate?
I did. I donated $20. I should say, my parents gave me the $20 as well. Altogether, I guess I’ve raised $40. I signed up and made on online profile and they contributed money, but I wasn’t exactly soliciting for donations.
Do you have any grooming tips to share?
This is my first time growing a full beard—like getting past the itchy neck stage. Tips? I have relatively few. I know some people buy beard shampoos. I just lather-up the top and spread it to the bottom. I shampoo my beard . . . I don’t know if everyone does that? Haha! I trim the neck because it can look unkept. I also shave the top of my cheeks.
Liam Fulton, first-year environmental studies
Did you grow your beard for Movember?
No, I have it all the time.
Do you have any grooming tips?
Do it regularly. I do it everyday. Make sure it doesn’t go too high in the cheeks, keep it relatively clean in the neck and don’t go below the adam’s apple. I use an electric razor.
Did you donate to the cause?
I donated last year but not this year.
Are you planning on donating?
I might now because we’re having an interview about it.
After hearing from the boys about their bristle-taming, we wondered what the ladies had to say.
Jessica Gamarnik, second-year economics
How do you feel about facial hair?
I like facial hair generally. Obviously, it depends on a person’s their ability to groom and their face structure. Generally, I don’t mind it unless its scraggly and gross.
How do you feel about guys that grow facial hair during November but don’t donate?
If you’re growing a moustache for awareness, even if you aren’t raising money or donating, so long as you’re involved in the cause, it’s awesome! Not everyone has money to donate. Not everyone has the time to do their own Movember challenge. If you want to grow facial hair, grow facial hair. But don’t pretend that it’s for a cause that you aren’t supporting.