With Ottawa weather being continuously unpredictable, it’s hard to ditch your colourful summer wardrobe for fall staples like maroon and brown. In this year’s first edition of Campus Style, we look at how Carleton students manage to merge bright and dark, while forming effortlessly unique (and cheap) looks for fall.

Photos by Nadine Yousif.
Photos by Nadine Yousif.

Joshua Soucie, second-year Journalism

How do you put together your outfits from day to day?

Usually I’ll start by picking out a shirt, because I find the shirt is always the hardest to match, and then I’ll match it with a pair of pants and accessorize with the same colours. Let’s say if I’m wearing brown boots, I’ll wear a brown belt with a watch to match.

Where do you draw in inspiration for outfits?

I follow a lot of style bloggers and designers on Instagram and also on Twitter. A great website is style.com, it has a lot of information on not just fashion but how to put things together as well.

Do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

I normally look for sales, and people think there are no sales on designer clothing but there are. Often times Winners or The Bay will have crazy deals on designer clothes, and thrift shopping is also awesome ’cause you can find some neat steals. I found an YSL sweater in a thrift shop once.


aFashion10_4_NadineYousif_(WEB)Christina Williamson, PhD student in Cultural Mediations

How do you put together your outfits from day to day?

I just kind of open my pant drawer, figure out what pants I’m going wear that day and base a top off of that to match.

Where do you draw in inspiration for outfits?

I occasionally read Vogue, but I don’t have time to read many blogs. I do work with a lot of art historians and they are very fashionable people, so I try to get some inspiration from them!


Xiangyu Sun, second-year International BusinessaFashion10_3_NadineYousif_(WEB)

How do you put together your outfits from day to day?

I usually look at the weather and figure out what to wear that day. I like bold colours, but I change my style depending on the season.

Where do you draw in inspiration for outfits?

I read some Chinese magazines, and I shop online from Chinese websites.


aFashion10_2_NadineYousif_(WEB)Kevin Nguyen, fourth-year Computer Science

Where do you draw in inspiration for outfits?

I’m into Korean-Pop, so I try to mimic their style. Me and my friends also go on eBay and look at shoes and shirts and whatnot.

How do you shop on a budget?

Bluenotes! I’m into brand names but Bluenotes if you look carefully, or even Winners, have a good collection for cheap and nice clothes.