Now that the holiday high has faded and classes are back in full swing, it’s time to flip the switch and head right into work mode … Right?  

If only it were that simple. 

In reality, it can be much harder to dive head-first into classes after a long break. I personally find it tricky to reignite my motivation for schoolwork … But fear not! I’ve put together my top tips to tackle those back-to-school blues and help you find the drive to excel in your academics.

Make an outline of goals for the semester.

What do you want to accomplish this semester? 

There’s science behind thinking a bit more deeply about this question. According to one study, high-achieving students were far more likely than their under-performing peers to set goals for themselves, which directly contributed to their ability to succeed. Students who made goals for themselves felt better control over their success, which motivated them forward.

Perhaps you want to land your dream internship, pass your seemingly impossible chemistry class or hand in all your assignments early. Whatever your goals may be, identifying them and making a plan to achieve them is sure to spike your motivation to kick butt this semester.

Make a schedule and stick to it.

One of the biggest struggles with heading back to school is getting started, especially in the world of online learning. Since many classes have adopted an asynchronous approach, it can be tempting to push your work to the following week. The reality is, the sooner you get started, the better. 

Personalizing a schedule that works for you will help get you back into your work mode and stay accountable. It may take some time before you find that perfect balance, but once you figure out when and how you can accomplish each of the things you need to accomplish throughout the week, you will thank me once you do!

Read your syllabus.

I’m sure you have all been told by your professors at least 100 times by now to read your syllabus—and I agree you should, but not for the reason you might think! Just like exercising, you need to warm up your vacation brain before jumping into intense course work. One way to get yourself adjusted is to thoroughly read your syllabus, and make a note of assignments and other important dates in each of your courses by compiling them all into one place, like an agenda or Google calendar.

Not only does this help shift your brain’s focus back to academics, but it also allows you to plan ahead and not be caught off guard by sneaky deadlines.

Adopt healthy habits. 

From binge-watching your favourite show until the sun comes up to gobbling down grandma’s famous fruitcake on a daily, chances are your habits have not been the healthiest this winter break. 

Now is the prime time to flip things around! 

Getting back on a regular sleep schedule, eating nutritious food, and regular exercise are all great ways to help your body develop the energy needed to get through any obstacles your classes throw at you. 

Research shows that staying active and eating healthy can both greatly increase your productivity, so getting into a good routine (with a lazy day or treat here and there) is a great way to start the semester off right.

Clean your work area. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ll agree things get pretty messy during the hectic holiday season. To help mark the beginning of a new term, take the time to clean your room and especially your workspace. 

Decluttering will reduce your back-to-school stress and increase your productivity, reducing the number of times you get sick within a given year and heightening your concentration. 

Trust me, when your workspace no longer looks like a bomb went off during finals, it will be a much more inviting space for you to begin your studies.

Take some ‘me time.’ 

Suddenly going from zero to approximately five courses can be insanely overwhelming. To prevent early burnout, be sure to add in some time for yourself. Anything from reading a novel to watching Netflix can be great to give yourself a break from a particularly demanding online course load. 

It can become very tempting to neglect your ‘me time’ when you have a lot of work. However, taking some time to relax is just as crucial to your well-being and motivation as eating, and can actually help your motivation and productivity in the short- and long-term.

Don’t feel guilty about taking time away from work so you can do better in the long run!

Featured graphic by Sara Mizannojehdehi.