Photos by Paige Mueller.


Jars or glass containers of any shape

Mod Podge (or make your own with white glue and water with a 1:1 ratio)

Foam Brushes

Newspaper, magazines, old book pages



Tea-light candles


With Newspaper: oDIY2_13_Provided_(WEB)

1. Cut the newspaper into small pieces, try to vary the length, width and size so that you end up with a bunch of different looking pieces. This will create a layering effect when applied to the jars.

2. Apply Mod Podge to a piece of newspaper. Make sure to apply it to the back (the part that will stick onto the jar).

3. Stick the paper onto the jar and start layering on pieces. You can cover the entire jar or just a strip around the middle, whatever you like!

4. Once the entire jar (or the part that you’ve selected) is covered, apply a layer of Mod Podge over top to seal it. Wait for it to fully dry and apply another, final layer.


Add a candle to the bottom of the jar and there you’ve got a nifty looking lantern to decorate your patio or balcony!


With String: oDIY2_7_Provided_(WEB)

1. Apply a brush stroke of Mod Podge directly onto the jar. Make sure the glue is applied around the entire jar.

2. Gently wrap string around the jar, lining up each piece closely with the last. If you want to change colours, make sure to line the ends of the old and the new string up when you make the switch.

3. Apply Mod Podge continuously to both the jar and the already added string. Applying it to the jar allows the string to adhere well whereas applying it to the already added string acts as a sealant.

4. Once the jar is covered, go over it again one final time with the glue and allow to dry.


Add a candle! For this one I decided to add some water and use a floating candle to achieve a different look.