Students voted on these five referendum questions March 20-21: (successful questions in bold)

1. Are you in favour of a mandatory universal transit pass for full-time undergraduate students at a cost of $182 per semester for each the Fall and Winter term, with annual increases of a maximum of 2.5%, beginning in September 2012?

Yes – 635       No – 200

2. Are you in favour of banning events and displays that use inaccurate information and violent images to discourage women from exploring all options in the event of pregnancy from Carleton University campus?

Yes – 513        No – 315

3. Do you approve a $0.48 increase, tied to the Canadian Consumer Price Index, to the $0.77 per semester levy of the Carleton University Student Emergency Response Team (CUSERT), a group which provides cost effective 24/7 volunteer emergency medical response to the University during the Fall and Winter semesters?

Yes – 625       No – 206

4. Do you support a $2.00 levy [adjusted yearly to the CPI] being placed on yearly student fees in order to donate a total of approximately $44,000.00 to the World Food Programs to help in their efforts against world hunger?

Yes – 448       No – 380

5. Should the United Nations Society be given a $0.50 levy to support the Model UN team and Carleton MUN conferences?

Yes – 402       No – 427

— source: referendum results,