( Photo: Talbert Johnson )   

It’s a new school year! What’s your goal?

A) I’ll take a yoga class at the gym, play house league volleyball with my new friends, write for the newspaper and – if there’s still time – apply to work at Ollie’s.  University’s about finding yourself so I’m going to jump in head first!
B) P-A-R-T-Y!
C) I’ll join a worthwhile cause — university is about making a difference!
D) To make new friends and to party on weekends – but not until I’m finished my homework!

During orientation, you’ll be the one who…

A) Goes all out! I’m willing to do what it takes to make my experience memorable!
B) Goes all out! And then gets in trouble for being too rowdy.  I’m always the one who is told to settle down.
C) Enjoys the activities but I’m content to stand and watch instead of volunteering for something solo. I don’t have to be the centre of attention to know I’m having fun!
D) Makes the most friends — frosh is all about socializing!

It’s Thursday night and you have no classes on Friday. You can be found…

A) Trying something new! The National Gallery is free after 5 p.m. and then there’s a floor party — it’s a packed schedule.
B) Recovering. I drank liquor last night so I’ll stick to beer tonight!
C) At this really neat town hall at the Ottawa library! I’m planning to write a letter to the school newspaper.
D) Hanging out with a couple friends and listening to that wicked band I saw at Ollie’s last week! The singer totally winked at me.

You’re waiting for your newest friend to pick up a few extra school supplies at the bookstore. What do you do?

A) I’m checking out some random textbooks. I’m getting an idea about what I want to take in the future.
B) I’m outside making plans for the week. Hey, if you want to hang with me, I’ve got to pencil you in!
C) I’m raving about all the new green products the bookstore is selling and convincing him or her to buy a travel mug from Rooster’s.
D) I’m getting a tad impatient, but I stand by quietly.

You bombed your first midterm. How do you react?

A) This is a learning process. There will be plenty more midterms for me to do well on.
B) Whatever, guy!
C) I’m bummed. I’m going to talk to the prof about what I can do to improve. I guess I didn’t understand the material as well as I thought.
D) I bombed it? No way. I study hard and do well. I’m the best!


As: You’re Alice!

You have a great imagination and you want to share it with the world around you! You are polite and genuinely interested in the well being of others but you are often naïve to the workings of the big, bad world.  That’s OK! University is about finding yourself and you’re going to give it your all. Try joining a new club or taking a class outside your comfort level. At Carleton, you can do anything from joining Foot Patrol to student government to dance troupes and more. Get your feet wet!

Bs: You’re the Mad Hatter.

You are the one dishing out the peer pressure to party, party, party!  You love being the centre of attention and have a lot of friends because of it, but you need to learn to relax once in a while. University is stressful and important, recognizing this will keep you from going mad as a hatter.  Share all those stresses you have hiding in your top hat with Carleton’s counselling services when things get tough. Deep breaths and a good friend to talk to will benefit you in the long run!

Cs: You’re the Cheshire Cat.

You’re an attentive being and people appreciate having you around. You’re very wise and aware of the world around you. Get the most out of your classes, share your opinion with the newspaper, start a blog and work your way towards an active campus group that draws attention to international causes or human rights issues.

Ds: You’re the Queen of Hearts.

You’re able to balance school, work and your social life with high expectations. However, you have  to be careful because getting too wrapped up in your own surroundings and playing only by your rules will close a lot of doors for you. Learn patience by taking a yoga class at Carleton’s gym, and walking to class outside and not through the tunnels. The world is at your fingertips, but don’t get too caught up in it!