Hello Charlatan! Umm, hello Voicebox.
I would just like to say that I really really really really really really really really really liked the free food and other stuff that was, well currently is still happening, out in the Tory Quad. It was pretty freaking awesome and seeing all the newbies, all the new students, is pretty cool.
So, uh, to the new students, welcome to Carleton, eh? Bye.
(Male voice) Why pitch a tent when you can rub a teepee, yeah. (Female voice mumbles something) . . . back to your cultural heritage.
(Male voice) We would like our land back, um, it’s been a while coming and we’ve, we’ve played your game.
We just want to be the same.
We’ll talk soon now.
Please do call again soon! 613- 520-7500