This is a message for the girl that said not to get the H1 vaccine due to the videos circulating on the Internet about the Dystonia girl.
Please check your facts. As of Oct. 29, 2009 Dystonia girl has been miraculously cured of her entire illness.
I think you should get your facts straight before telling 2,400 students at Carleton to not get the vaccine.
The H1 vaccine saves lives, you should get it.


Hey, about the girl that wrote in about the Movember thing, um, I think that she totally knows what she’s talking.
I love a good bush. So girls, start growin’ ’em out! Woooo!


Hey! I actually have a big bush and . . .


[Male voice] Say something!
[Female voice] No!
[Male voice] Talk about cereal! Talk about your love!
. . . Hello? Uh hi, this is a paid sponsorship talk about cereal, given to you by Amanda Smith.
And I can say Amanda Smith because there are so many Amanda Smiths in this school that the real Amanda Smith will wonder if this is the real authentic Amanda Smith.
So presenting now, Amanda Smith, to talk to you about…
[Female voice] No!
[Male voice] Uh . . . I have to call you back, she’s unavailable at the moment, bye!


Hi Voicebox!
Hi! I’m sitting here in the radio station on campus reading your Voicebox posting for this week, and somebody out there apparently doesn’t like the high-brow entertainment that you continue to bring week from week in; and I thought I would be topical and tell them to smoke some fuckin’ weed, and get over themselves because, quite honestly — no offence, Voicebox — because I like you and I have loved you for many years, even now that I’m not a student here I continue to read you, but you know, no one is reading this for the time of days, son.
They’re reading it because it’s entertainment and I’m not entertained by your complaints. So uh, yeah, that’s all I wanted to say . . . How you doin’, Voicebox?
Doin’ alright? Got that tractor going? Yeah . . . compound harvesting? Well . . .
wanna bail some wheat? Aw sorry, hay is what you bail.
Uh, I’m sorry, this is getting long and stumbley but the point is, smoke some weed, chillax, and enjoy yourself . . . and uh . . . heart.