The unofficial results for the Rideau River Residence Association (RRRA) were released on Feb. 15 by the RRRA elections office.

Next Step won the RRRA election, with Hyder Naqvi returning as president of the association for the 2017-18 school year.

The results are as follows:

Fresh RRRA: 405*
Next Step: 355
Think Forward: 256
AAA: 127
The A Team: 119
Unanswered: 15 

*Fresh RRRA was disqualified on Feb. 14, after receiving three electoral violations. According to the elections office, the team with the next highest number of votes would be declared the winner.

Fresh RRRA campaign manager Jessica May said her team will be appealing their disqualification to RRRA’s council in the coming weeks.