Have you ever wondered what your dreams actually mean? Are they predicting something that’s going to happen in the future? Are they something your subconscious is trying to tell you about yourself? And what about recurring dreams, or the ones that don’t make any sense to you at all? Dreams are a very mysterious thing and end up leaving all of us with endless questions about what they actually mean.



If you’ve ever had a dream about an animal, or there is some sort of animal in your dream, it usually represents a subconscious part of your personality.It may be a part of your personality that you are not aware of, or need to come to terms with. Different animals represent different things. For example, a dog can represent someone that you don’t want in your life and you fear could cause trouble, such as someone who is a negative influence and you can’t cut them out of your life.



If you’ve ever dreamed about taking an exam or being examined it generally represents self-criticism and the need to always do well. It can also represent uneasiness with someone setting your standards of morality and success for you, and having to live up to their expectations.  It can also mean being concerned with your own accomplishments; that you have not accomplished enough or are not successful enough, whether it is from a job, school or even in a relationship.



Falling represents a lack of confidence in yourself.  It can mean that you feel threatened by a lack of security, like losing friends or a job, or getting dumped. It generally means that you are uncomfortable with change in your life.



If you’ve ever had a dream about yourself getting married, or anything relating to marriage and weddings, it can mean a number of different things.  If you are the one getting married, it can represent what kind of partner you are looking for.  For example, if you are marrying your best friend from childhood, you might be looking for somebody with a similar personality. Other situations, like dreaming that you are trying on a wedding dress can mean that you are trying to sort out your feelings about relationships and weddings. If you are helping someone else into a wedding dress, you might be feeling inferior to your friends who are in relationships while you’re still single.



Water generally represents your emotions or emotional state. The different types of water represent different emotions and emotional states. Flowing water represents peace and comfort while rushing water represents passion. It can also mean you feel your life rushing past you. Drowning in water can represent being overcome by your emotions. It can also represent you trying to bury your emotions instead of facing them head-on.


Being chased:

Being chased, which is probably one of the most common dreams that we experience, often means that you are trying to escape something in your life. This could be a responsibility, or an upcoming event you fear, or your emotions. It means that you need to come to terms with something that you are afraid to deal with. Being chased but unable to run or having trouble running usually means you will inevitably be forced to face what you have been avoiding.