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Name:  Tracy Ampofoh                                                                                                   
Third-year social work and sociology
Position running for:
Vice president student services
Why are you running for CUSA council?

Members as a whole deserve to have full access to campaigns, spaces, and support. Next year, I’ll be dedicated to widening and enriching CUSA’s services so we can be United for Carleton!
What do you think makes you a good candidate?

As the Events and Programing Executive for the Ghanaian Students’ Association and an executive of Vaginas Against Violence I have managed many teams of volunteers and planned large scale events. Also, my volunteer experience with REC Hall and Womyn’s Centre directly links me to many other service centres. My combination of experience and determination will make this the best year yet for CUSA’s members; volunteers and clients!
What are two things you hope to achieve if elected?

1. I promise to make student-services better than ever. United for Carleton will provide increased training for coordinators and volunteers, so all those interested can gain the skills to get involved.
2. As a PASS facilitator, academics are really important to me. We will bring you a brand new Academic Advocacy Centre! This way, for the first time, CUSA can support students throughout any academic issues and allow our students’ union to provide advice and advocate on students behalf.
What’s one fun fact about yourself?

I am a trained peer support worker with the Sexual Assault Centre of Ottawa.